Statement of good behavior (VOG)

You can get in trouble at work during an ongoing criminal case. Because, for example, you no longer receive a VOG (a Statement of Good Behavior, issued by the government). Or because your driving pass or security pass are revoked. These days, a VOG or other specific integrity test is required for almost every job. The consequences of a refusal or withdrawal are often enormous. In many cases this leads to loss of job and income. Fortunately, there is still something to do about this.

The procedure often starts with an intention to reject. It is then important to act on time and submit a (well-founded) opinion challenging this. Our specialized criminal lawyers all have extensive experience with administrative integrity procedures. It is precisely through this combination that we can provide high-quality custom work. The outcome of your criminal case also plays a (often decisive) role. We can also help you with the ongoing criminal case or assess whether the criminal case is still pending. Please contact us and we will discuss how we can best help you.

If you have questions about the feasibility of a VOG application, we can provide you with some insight. However, it is now also possible to check this via the government. This link will take you to the government website to perform the VOG check.